Milling Fails
/My shenanigans wouldn’t be complete without milling failures. As I began filming and running the code for the first part, the superglue happened to fail and the part come loose.
Quickly, I stopped the mill and assessed the situation. Since my last milling attempt, I placed a center screw to hold the aluminum plate and milled out a relief pocket to remove finished parts.
I figured it was a mishap and decided to try again. I placed new Frogtape and superglue, applied pressure, and hit “cycle start.”
...and another failure.
About this time, I was becoming frustrated and had collected a lot of footage of these subsequent mishaps. I am going to throw them into this week’s video.
My thoughts now are: cleanliness of mating surfaces, and pressure applied for glue to dry. However, I’m not sure if either of these will change what’s happened two times so far. Going forward, I will just mount my vise and clamp the parts normally. This will also be in the video.