/Seeing as I’ve had “radio silence” for the past week, or so, you might be wondering where I’ve been. Well, I haven’t gone anywhere. I know, sad, but also good. I took a trip back to Georgia (USA) for the weekend, so I didn’t have a chance to get much work done. However, I have been thinking of ways to improve the little coaster going forward and a few things on the horizon to share with you all.
Simply, this post is really just letting you guys know that I’m still here and am working on the next video installment. In this video, I will be completing the ride’s structure and discussing successes and failures in execution.
Plywood hell
Most of my issues have been revolving around using plywood for such small features on a CNC router. Though not ideal, it was a good starting point. Going forward and for the production ride I will probably change the material and fabrication strategy. Again, more to come soon and I hope you guys enjoy it all!