Time Management

Since beginning graduate school a few weeks ago, I’ve had to find ways to balance working, school work, and ride building.  Needless to say, it’s not easy.  Whenever possible, I’ve been squeezing in design work and am actively setting up some time each week dedicated to ride building and video production.



The first strike of home work.  The picture above is of advanced differential equations, which...sucks.  Not really, in my opinion, seeing as I chose it.  If you were wondering how rides were developed, well it comes from math like this!  So for any students or people wanting to enter the industry, definitely have a good grasp of math and physics.   

I’m still wanting to produce ride parts from the various wood working tools I have, and hopefully this week I can test it out.  If it works, which I think it will, I’ll have unlimited supplies to build rides.

Train machining and testing will follow once some structure goes vertical!  Updates soon.