To Maker Faire or Not?

Now that I’m back in Atlanta, Georgia, I have the opportunity to return to the Atlanta MakerFaire. 



Prior to moving to Cincinnati a few years ago, I had displayed roller coaster related gadgets two years in a row.  I basically “hired” a friend or my girlfriend for the weekend to help me out at the booth.  Being that I was still learning how to machine and fabricate ride designs, I didn’t have substantial ride structure to display.

This year, however, I am poised to display some working rides and full scale production.  I will also have some merch to sell/raffle off.  Of course, these are my hopes.  Just as before, I have packed my life full of events, trade shows, trips, and now graduate school.  But I will stay committed and focused. 

My goal: 

  • One fully operational test track with banked turns and magnetic brakes. 
  • A station section with platform. 
  • Two full length trains
  • one miniature ride test track
  • five metal classic TRCP cars for sale
  • shirts galore! 

Most of this is going to be documented via YouTube and this website.  So, if you’re interested and in the Atlanta area, then attend! October 27 & 28 at the Atlanta Freigth Depot.